Loosely Local helps travelers visit like a local, with in-depth destination guides, done-for-you itineraries, and bespoke travel planning from experts.
Learn from our experience on how to find the hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path spots, and destinations only the locals know about – while not missing out on the must-see attractions. Loosely Local has you covered!
I’m Carley Rojas Avila – a freelance travel journalist, serial expat, and world traveler who has visited 40+ countries and counting. I love helping travelers experience destinations near and far – especially the places that only the locals know.
Where to Stay in Guadalajara, Mexico [Ultimate Guadalajara Neighborhoods + Accommodations Guide]
Guadalajara is a new can’t-miss destination. Our guide to where to stay in Guadalajara includes Guadalajara neighborhoods and hotels you’ll love.
15 Best Things To Do in Saba – Dutch Caribbean [2024]
The tiny Caribbean island of Saba is small but mighty. These are the best things to do in Saba to enjoy the full experience of this unique destination.
10+ Best Resorts in the Dominican Republic [2024]
You’ll have tons of options of Dominican Republic resorts for your vacation. These are the 10 best resorts in the Dominican Republic to choose from.
10 Best Towns + Cities in Peru for Travelers [2024 Guide]
Plan the perfect vacation: add these BEST cities in Peru to your itinerary. From major capitals to smaller towns, don’t miss these favorite Peru cities.