Loosely Local helps travelers visit like a local, with in-depth destination guides, done-for-you itineraries, and bespoke travel planning from experts.
Learn from our experience on how to find the hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path spots, and destinations only the locals know about – while not missing out on the must-see attractions. Loosely Local has you covered!
I’m Carley Rojas Avila – a freelance travel journalist, serial expat, and world traveler who has visited 40+ countries and counting. I love helping travelers experience destinations near and far – especially the places that only the locals know.
10 Best Resorts in Montego Bay, Jamaica
There’s a reason Montego Bay is one of the most popular spots in the Caribbean! These resorts in Montego Bay are the best for a memorable stay.
25 Best Things To Do in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico [in 2024]
San Miguel de Allende is Mexico’s most charming town. Our insiders guide to the best things to do in San Miguel de Allende will help you enjoy!
8 Best [Easy!] Day Trips from San José, Costa Rica
Get out of the city on one of these best day trips from San Jose Costa Rica. From waterfalls to wine tasting, you’ll have an unforgettable time.
15 Best Towns + Cities in Costa Rica [An Insider’s Guide]
Plan a great trip by adding these towns and cities in Costa Rica to your itinerary! These are the best places to visit in Costa Rica you can’t miss.